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Home >> Aimee Mann >> Disappeared
Album: Charmer (2012)


Somehow, I wound up on your bad side
til now, I guess I had a free ride
but now I join the queue
of people dead to you
the one-time chosen few

That's all, that's it,
you got yourself disappeared
the atom split, and you got back-engineered
you're a forgotten face behind a beard?that's it
that's all
you're gone

though I've been master of the thankless task
nearby are questions you just have to ask
was every enemy
bad as you made him be?
or were they just
some gullible stooge like me?

That's all, that's it,
you got yourself disappeared
the atom split, and you got back-engineered
you're a forgotten face behind a beard?that's it
that's all
you're gone

And everyone who knew you, said they'd been there too
and soon enough I'd see the mill you put them through
that ?Irish Goodbye? you do

That's it, that's all
you got yourself disappeared
a curtain call
at which your absence was cheered
you're a forgotten face behind a beard
that's it, that's all
you're gone

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