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Home >> ALEX DAY >> Across The Sea
Album: Epigrams And Interludes (2013)

Across The Sea

There's a girl, across the sea,
And though I'm happy being loved,
It doesn't feel like love to me.
Never feels like love to me.

There's a girl, next to me
And she's happy being lovely,
And it's not enough for me.
It's not enough for me.

You're out of mind, I'm out of time,
I only want what I can't see.
And I will wait for her to run to me.

Once a boy, now a man,
And even though I've grown the best I could,
It's still the best I can.
I'm loving you the best I can.

And the girl, who's 'cross the sea,
And travelled halfway 'round the world
To be the perfect girl for me,
In all the ways you used to be.

You're out of mind, I'm out of time,
I only want what I can't see.
And everything about her is new to me.

Now I see everything we do as the routine.
Familiarity breeds awful things in me.

I was out of my mind, and now I'll make time,
To be the man that I should be,
And I was blind to think that you were right for me.

And I was blind to think it lay across the sea.

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