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Home >> Big Tent Revival >> What Would Jesus Do
Album: Wwjd

What Would Jesus Do

Some people just want to survive
and i don't know about you
but ia m alive
lately it seems
that i need a hand
in a fallen world
i just want ot stand
What would Jesus do walkin' in my shoes
workin' at my job and going' to my school
and i hear people say, "Jesus is the way"
i believe and that is why i'm asking you
What would Jesus do?
and as we all know
life can be tough
and all the we need is love-sweet love
so where do we go? well here's what i see
to change my world
i gotta change me
sometimes choices don't seem black and white
and they can leave you black and blue
what would Jesus do- He'd give His life your you
if you follow HIm- you'll give your life to them
What would Jesus do- He'd give His life for you
If you follow Him- you'll give your life to them
Shine on-Shine on-Follow with Jesus
Shine on-Shine on-Follow with Jesus

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