Album: Devouring Deception (2010)Devouring Deception"Qui pridie quam pateretur
accepit panum in sanctus ac venerabtles manus suas
et elevatis ocults in caelum ad te Duem
Patrem omnipotentem tibt grattas agens
benedixit fregit deditque discipults suis
dicens: accipite et manducate ex hoc omnes
Hoc est enim corpus meum"
[English translation:
Who the day before he suffered took bread into his holy and venerable hands.
And with his eyes lifted up to heaven unto thee, God, his almighty Father.
Giving thanks to thee, he blessed.
Brake and gave to his disciples saying:
Take and eat ye all of this.
For this is my Body.]
Devour the deception
Ritual teophagy
Corrupted feeding
Lurks in your flesh
Fed by hypocrisy
Keeper of the deceit
Bringer of the plague
Now you can see...spread the word
Contagious seed
Of a stern plant
Cursed spawn
Prematurely buried
Is safe
Life is
Flesh and blood
Cross and crown
Fraud dethroned
Of a higher realm
Obsolete teachings
Trapped you in
Sacrificial body
Offered to the naught
His blood won't rise you
His word won't comfort
Death had won
God is defeated
There is no consolation
There is no redemption
The end hangs over all
The only redemption
Will be granted
By the worms
The only fate of the body
Is to stiffen and become cold
Death has won
Church teaches
Church preaches