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Home >> Cannibal Corpse >> Stripped,Raped And Strangled
Album: Live Cannibalism (2000)

Stripped,Raped And Strangled

They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found

I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects

She was so beautiful
I had to kill her

Tied her up
And taped her mouth shut
Couldn't scream
Raped violently
Rope tight, around her throat
Her body twitches
As she chokes

Strangulation caused her death
Just like all the others
Raped before and after death
Stripped, naked, tortured

They're all dead, they're all dead
They're all dead by strangulation

I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects

It felt so good to kill

I took their lives away
Seven dead, lying rotten
Unburied victims
Their naked bodies putrefy

Strangulation caused her death
Just like all the others
Raped before and after death
Stripped, naked, tortured

They're all dead, they're all dead
They're all dead by strangulation

I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects

They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found

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