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Home >> Chesnutt Mark >> Its A Little Too Late
Album: Almost Goodbye

Its A Little Too Late

The alarm clock Ting'a'ling
Ringing in my head
I woke up dog tired beat down, half dead
Trying to recover from another wild weekend
Chugging down coffee while I shoulda been sleepin'
Well it sure is Monday isn't it now
I gotta get myself through the week somehow
I had a ball Friday, Saturday Sunday,
But it's all over now and it sure is Monday
Well I got to the job site at a quarter past nine
And somehow I stayed awake till lunch time
And I caught me a nap stretched out in my truck bed
My feet still twitchin to the music in my head
Well it sure is Monday, ain't it the truth
I party to hearty, now I'm paying my dues
I had a ball Friday, Saturday Sunday,
But it's all over now and it sure is Monday
Well it sure it Monday, ain't it a sin
I gotta work my way through the week again
I had a ball Friday, Saturday Sunday,
But it's all over now and it sure is Monday

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