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Home >> Chris Rea >> Raincoat And A Rose
Album: Deltics

Raincoat And A Rose

Rain, tears of joy, tears of pain
Is this really me
Standing here at the station
The card said I mustn't be late
I've never been late
I've never really had the chance
Years and years and not even wanting a second chance
'Look for a raincoat and a rose'
I hope no one sees, they'll laugh I know
He was always like that, yes it always showed
Did I do something wrong to have to pay
In many more ways than one
Rainy day, what do I say
How simple it's all become
Love is for fools and fools have no grace
Damn them while you can
Out here on the fence is such a lonely place
I wish I was foolish now
The greatest of pain is never really knowing
Maybe today I'll find out this way
The way that I'm going

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