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Home >> COLD CHISEL >> He Can't Believe It's Over With You
Album: The Last Wave Of Summer (1998)

He Can't Believe It's Over With You

There's someone out there hangin' around
Mentioning your name all over town
Some old flame of yours
Someone you knew
And he can't believe it's over with you
He says that he is where you belong
You tell me you ain't seen him in so long
Maybe he's the fool
Maybe it's true
That he can't believe it's over with you
I may need to take him aside
See if you have anything to hide
Make it plain to him
What I will do
If he can't believe it's over with you
Whichever way it goes
I can easily explain it so he knows
How it is with you
These days
I can't walk away
That's not what I do
When he can't believe it's over with you

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