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Home >> Cormier Gordon >> Dance With Me
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Dance With Me

G. Cormier
I've been sittin' in this barroom starin' at the dance floor
wonderin' what I'm gonna do
the band is playin' rock roll music
and I just wanna dance with you
I'll have another drink and maybe I'll get the courage
to ask you if you'd like to dance
but the longer I sit here the harder it gets
and I don't wanna lose the chance
So baby come on dance with me
and I'll treat you just like a lady
come on dance with me
girl, I'm hopin' that maybe you'll dance with me
I finished my drink and I walked to her table
I couldn't think of words to say
then I remembered what my daddy said
don't be shy, just say what you wanna say
girl, I've been watchin' you across a crowded barroom
you've been drivin' me wild
thought I'd take a chance, and ask you to dance
just to be with you for a while

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