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Home >> Cormier Gordon >> Off To Chase My Rainbow
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Off To Chase My Rainbow

G. Cormier
She slips into her nightgown and falls back on the bed
the nights get oh so lonely and she thinks about what he said
and time offers no comfort, she had marriage on her mind
but he wants to stay single and he says he still needs time
He said, I'm off to chase my rainbow and to sew my wilder seeds
I've got to find that something that's been callin' me
He said I hate to leave you lonely but there's something I must do
I'm off to chase my rainbow and I'm leavin' without you
He's been five months down in Dallas searching for a dream
life and all it's glory is just not what it seemed
home is a cheap hotel room where he falls back on the bed
the nights are oh so lonely and he remembers what he said
He said I'm off to chase my rainbow I've sewn my wilder seeds
I've got to find that someone who was so in love with me
I've had my share of loneliness and there's something I must do
I'm off to find my rainbow and it's leading back to you
Darlin', you're my rainbow and I'm coming back to you

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