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Home >> Counting Crows >> Ghost Train
Album: August And Everything After

Ghost Train

I took the cannon ball down to the ocean
across the desert from the sea to shining sea
I rode a ladder that climbed across the nation
50 million feet of earth between the buried and me
"How do you do"
She said "Hey, how do you do"
She buys a ticket cause it's cold were she comes from
she climbs aboard because she's scared of getting older in the snow
love is a ghost train through the darkness
hold on to me darling I got no place to go
"How do you do"
She said "Hey, how do you do"
I took the cannonball down to the ocean
watch the diesel disappear beneath the tumbling waves
love is a ghost train howling on the radio
"Remember everything" She said "When only memory Remains"
"how do you do"
She said "Hey, how do you do"

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