Album: Splendours From The Dark (2011)Ye Cloude Of UnknowingNow finally we dive,
Naked we dive like a leaf from the tree,
Into the purest sky
- moths in ecstasy, straight in the flame.
We hail this golden day,
Has never a day been so bright, so glorious!
Our breath has left the clay,
As our bodies lay.
A desert silence is growing
Within the cloud of unknowing.
Annihilate the fears, annihilate the tears,
Abandon whatever that binds!
Ignore the desire by quenching its fire,
Untie thyself from the ground
Then rise!
...and the dark night of the soul,
Still in a blessed forgetfulness.
Don't be afraid to fall
- the world is no more, God is no more,
Thyself is no more!
Leave everything behind
And enter the halls of oblivion.
This emptiness divine
Is for us to find.