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Startseite >> BAP >> The Ballad Of The Soldier's Wife

Album: Unbekannt
The Ballad Of The Soldier's Wife

What was sent to the soldier`s wife,
fron the ancient city of Prague ?
From Prague came a pair of high heeled shoes,
with a kiss or two, came the high heeled shoes,
from the ancient city of Prague.

What was sent to the soldier`s wife,
from Oslo over the Sund ?
From Oslo he sent her a collar of fur,
how it pleases her, the little collar of fur,
from Oslo over the Sund.

What was sent to the soldier`s wife
from the wealth of Amsterdam ?
From Amsterdam, he got her a hat,
she looked sweet in that, in the little dutch hat,
from the wealth of Amsterdam.

What was sent to the soldier`s wife,
from Brussels in Belgium land ?
From Brussels, he sent her the laces so rare,
to have and to wear, those laces so rare,
from Brussels in Belgium land.

What was sent to the soldier`s wife,
from Paris, city of light ?
From Paris, he sent her a silken gown,
it was ended in town, that silken gown,
from Paris, city of light.

What was sent, to the soldier`s wife
from the south, from Bukarest ?
From Bukarest, he got her a shirt,
embroidered in purt, that rumanian shirt,
from the south, from Bukarest.

What was sent to the soldier`s wife,
from the far off Russian land ?
From Russia he sent her a widdows-veil,
for a dead to be.... in her widdows-veil.
From the far off Russian land,
from the far off Russian land.

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