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Startseite >> Buck O Nine >> Tear Jerky

Album: Twenty-eight Teeth
Tear Jerky

Don't you shut that door don't you leave so soon wanna know where i've been well i'll
tell you the truth i've seen it all before none of this is new to me you said that
things had changed and everything was alright you would wish i was cool and i'd wish
you were nice behind that innocent face filled with guilty delights for me such an
innocent lie such an innocent mind you get caught when you try to lie your whole
life has been gentrified do you know what i mean? you had secrets to hide you think
i'd never find out you said your lips were sealed and then you'd open your mouth
this ain't a question of guilt this is a question of doubt in you you want the world
on a platter want your friends on a string you want them all to matter want them down
on their knees they'll give you what you've dreamed of but it's not what you need

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