Album: Unbekannt
Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out
Some people been driving too fast,
Some people still having a gas
But if there #146;s one thing you gotta conceed
You gotta know who #146;s driving your car
You get to fifth gear with you foot on the floor
Or else you #146;re starring in #147; A Cruise to far #147;
Turn on, tun in , cop out
Let it flow now mama
Let it flow become a woman
Some people been waisting their time
Some people expanding their minds,
But if you #146; ve known love like the jokers before
Then you #146;re likely to be homeon the range
No more the Cowboy gotsta flaunt his wares
He #146;s been grazing on a different plain
It #146;s easy to see why there #146;s thousands of people
Are regularly turning it out
It #146;s easy to find when you mess with your mind
That you #146;ve gona beyond a resonable doubt #133;