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Startseite >> Stephan Massimo >> On My Mind

Album: Unbekannt
On My Mind

Come with me
To see the beautiful world
Chosen a dream
And maybe forfillen for you

The stars are full of strangers tonight
You are on my mind
The stars are full of strangers tonight
You are on my mind

You are on my mind
You are on my mind

Come with me
To see the beautiful world
Chosen a dream
And maybe forfillen for you

The stars are full of strangers tonight
You are on my mind

You are on my mind
There is no one else
In the Milky Way
That I want to find

There is no one else
in the Milky Way
That I want to find
You are on my mind

The stars are full of strangers tonight
You are on my mind

You are on my mind
There is no one else
In the Milky Way
That I want to find

You are on my mind
There is no one else
In the Milky Way
That I want to find

The stars are full of strangers tonight
You are on my mind

You are on my mind
There is no one else
In the Milky Way
That I want to find

You are on my mind
There is no one else
In the Milky Way
That I want to find

There is no one else
In the Milky Way
That I want to find
You are on my mind

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