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Startseite >> Werbung >> Langnese - Taste Of Summer

Album: Unbekannt
Langnese - Taste Of Summer

Do you still remember last year
Do you remember
Do you remember

Rail of sunshine and it was here
Do you remember the taste of summer

Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer

A magic tweacle in our eyes
Do you remember
Do you remember

With color glimpse of paradise
Do you remember the taste of summer

Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer

Days are fade in bye the ocean
Walking hand in hand
And in the nights are we get closer
Layin' in the sand


Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer


Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer
Come taste the summer

The summer

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