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Home >> Dwight Yoakam >> Rock It All Away
Album: 3 Pears (2012)

Rock It All Away

I never really believed in
Somethin' said with a word
At least I never trusted
what I was told or ever heard

I never really believed in
Somethin' said with a word
At least I never trusted
what I was told or ever heard

I never tried to avoid it
If it did come along
'Cause whatever happened next
always proved it was wrong

But you rocked that all the way
You rocked what words can't say
You rocked it up and down
the front and then back around
Every lonely place
You rocked it all away

You and me both walked alone
Down streets where nobody's home
You and me we both hung around
The kinda places that can't be found

You and me we both new the score
but whatever it was ain't adding up anymore
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

But you rocked that all the way
You rocked what words can't say
You rocked it up and down
the front and then back around
Every lonely place
You rocked it all away

I never really believed in something said with a word
At least I never trusted what I was told or ever heard

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