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Home >> FLOTSAM & JETSAM >> Dreams Of Death
Album: No Place For Disgrace (1988)

Dreams Of Death

In a land that no one comes from.
In your mind when your eyes are closed.
Is this a happening that's real or make-believe?
Are the things you see really there?
And the things you hear, are you scared?
You try to run away but you can't move, yeah.

Wake up! Wake up!

Familiar voice blending through.
The darkness fading fast as it calls your name.
Will you awake before it's too late? Ah-haa.
You feel yourself falling in a hole.
Life flies past like visions in your mind.
Are you dying or just having a nightmare?

Wake up! Subconscious death is real.
Wake up! You're living a nightmare.
Wake up! Subconscious death is real.
Wake up! You're living a nightmare.

Can you feel death creeping up on you?
Can you see life fading away?
Do you know when you're still dreaming?
Will you awake before you die?
Can you feel death creeping up on you?
Can you see life fading away?
Do you know when you're still dreaming?
Will you awake before you die?

In a land that isn't real.
In an unconscious state of mind.
Are there demons and evils you must face?
Is there a dark side of your life?
Are dreams real 'till you awake?
Is intrigue of the unknown worth your life?

[repeat pre-chorus and chorus]

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