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Accueil >> Isabelle Boulay >> N'oubliez jamais
Isabelle Boulay

Parole de chanson N'oubliez jamais

Papa, why do you play all the same old songs
And why do your sing with the melody
Cause down on the street, something's going on
There's a brand new beat and a brand new song
(she said)

In my life there was so much anger
Still I have no regrets
Just like you I was such a rebel
So danger and sence and never forget

N'oubliez jamais
I heard my father say
Every generation has its way
A need to disobey
N'oubliez jamais
It's in your destiny
A need to disagree
When moves get in the way
N'oubliez jamais {2x}

Mama why do you dance to the same old songs
Why do you sing on the harmony
Down on the street, something's going on
There's a brand new beat and a brand new song
(she said)

In my heart there's a young girl's passion
For a life long duet
And someday soon, someone smile will haunt you
So sing your love song and never forget

N'oubliez jamais
I heard my father say
Every generation has its way
A need to disobey
N'oubliez jamais
It's in your destiny
A need to disagree
When moves get in the way
N'oubliez jamais
N'oubliez jamais

What is this game searching for love or fame
It's all the same
One of these days you'll say that love will be the cure
I'm not so sure

N'oubliez jamais
I heard my father say
Every generation has its way
A need to disobey
N'oubliez jamais
It's in your destiny
A need to disagree
When moves get in the way
N'oubliez jamais

It's in your destiny
A need to disagree
When moves get in the way
N'oubliez jamais

N'oubliez jamais
N'oubliez jamais
N'oubliez jamais
N'oubliez jamais

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