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Accueil >> Richard Desjardins >> The King is Dead
Richard Desjardins

Parole de chanson The King is Dead

Oh let's get drink
just like a fall ball !
Oh let's get stoned
once and for all !
Powder powder oh my ! my !
What's the matter of the sky ?
The king is dead, mama oh,
the king is dead.
Well mama says
" Long dead the king ! ".

It was yours
and now it's mine.
Harvest time
and pourin' wine
Beggar's bag full of bills,
pumpkin rollin ' down the hill,
and I'll be countin' up to ONE
and give the people what they want.

Fuck a bird and blue the sky,
queeny, queeny, free the slaves
and set the fire to the jail.
Bing ! Bang ! Bang ! your royalty !
piss and laugh, miserere !

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