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Accueil >> The Rasmus >> Chill
The Rasmus

Parole de chanson Chill

I gotta make a phone call to my best friends.
I gotta them know that i'm leaving.
Everything behind me and politely I don't wanna hurt their feeling. Oh no.
I'll need to come back and I wanna explain why I had to leave them sleeping.
The ansewer's in the air but I really don't care
'cos I couldn't really keep on breathing the smoke.

And every time when I painted my room.
Like a fool I hid my feelings.
And every time when I painted my room.
I thought about leaving.

You roll like a stone girl you should not stop.
And I don't wanna step on your feet.
And you do what you do to stay on the top.
And I don't wanna make you feel in complete.

{Au Refrain}

At the end of the day. I don't know what to say.
At the end of the day. I'll be flying away.

{Au Refrain, x2}

I know about leaving.

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