Album: La BohèmeChe Ha Detto Il Medico?Rodolfo
Che ha detto il medico?
Madonna benedetta,
fate la grazia a questa poveretta
che non debba morire.
Qui ci vuole un riparo
perché la fiamma sventola.
Così. E che possa guarire.
Madonna santa,
io sono indegna di perdono,
mentre invece Mimì
è un angelo del cielo.
Io spero ancora.
Vi pare che sia grave?
Non credo.
Marcello, è spirata...
Musetta, a voi!
Come va?...
Vedi?... È tranquilla.
Che vuol dire
quell'andare e venire,
quel guardarmi così...
Mimì... Mimì!...
What did the doctor say?
He will come.
Musetta heats the medicine over the spirit lamp. She prays almost unconsciously.
Blessed Madonna,
show grace to the poor little girl
that she need not die.
She motions to Marcello.
This needs a screen here,
because the flame flickers.
Marcello approaches and puts a book on the table forming a windscreen for the lamp.
So. And that she will recover.
Holy Madonna,
I am unworthy of forgiveness,
while instead Mimì
is an angel of the heavens.
While Musetta prays, Rodolfo approaches her.
I am still hoping.
Does it seem serious to you?
I don’t think so.
Schaunard tiptoes to the bedside. Horrified, he goes over to Marcello.
Marcello, she’s dead…
A ray of sun falls through the window onto Mimì. Rodolfo takes Musetta’s cloak and
tries to hang it over the window. Colline enters softly and lays some money on the
Musetta – for you.
He goes to help Rodolfo with the cloak.
How is she?
Musetta signals that the medicine is ready.
See? She’s peaceful.
Rodolfo then notices the strange behavior of Marcello and Schaunard. With choked
What does it mean?
That coming and going…
that looking at me this way?
Marcello puts an arm around Rodolfo’s shoulder.
Rodolfo rushes to the bedside. In desperation, he tries to rouse Mimì; then he falls
across the bed, crying.
Mimì! Mimì!
The others stand in stunned grief. Marcello turns his back and sobs.