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מילים לשיר Speechless

Energy is running out
So tired of this
Mess I can't clean up this
Complicated stuff this
Comic - tragic farce this
Little game of ours

Competition of self-pity
None of us are winning
We try but cannot fall asleep
And yet we're always dreaming
How it should and might have been
If only we'd done different
If only we could speak

Life is moving on
So stuck in
A past I cannot change in
A self-restricting cage in
A body that I hate in
Decisions made too late

Situation of confusion
I can't understand
Why I'm crying all the time
And why you're going mad
Let's avoid the issue
Don't touch me where it hurts
If only we could speak

Space is closing in
Wanna be free from
My obsessions from
A guilty conscience from
An unrelenting past
Free from me at last

People, places change so fast
I'm not keeping track
You've disappeared way up ahead
And I keep turning back
We lost each other on this path
I miss you ever since
If only we could speak

מילים לשיר אלה מעתוק

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