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מילים לשיר Heaven

A coin that I saw and simply decided to ignore
I could have us it, it’s just sympathy knocks on my door.

Past turn to castle and the guards are long gone
Your fortune you left with no sword to protect

Time is just time decisions included inside chances keep come it's you wasting it patiently down.

Like a flash of a lightning informing a rain and after a while thunder bring me back there again.

Heaven exists, just believe it, and then it appears

It doesn't matter what go there inside, it is life you are massing around
Pick up the coin go out there and buy you a sword and
Start fighting the ghosts
Occupation won't do it…stay on the ground

Heaven exists, just believe it, and then it appears

It doesn't matter what go there inside, it is life you are massing around
Pick up the coin go out there and buy you a sword

Heaven exists, just believe it, and then it appears
You better stay on the ground and maybe a house with a wife and some kiddies inside

Heaven exists, just believe it, and then it appears

The coin I had saw I am sure it has been there before.

מילים לשיר שלום תשובה

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