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ראשי » יוסי סהרון » Never Ending Way

מילים לשיר Never Ending Way

When summer's gone and winter's past
It seems like a neverending way
And thinking of what I have to say
It seems like a neverending way
I am within you now, with my sinful cry
I am within you, now one am I
Perish the love, perish your love
When the sunfilled summer comes to love
It seems like a neverending way
It comes to us like a snow-white dove
It seems like a neverending way
I am within you now with my lonely cry
I am within you now 'till the time we die
I am within you now 'till the time we perish the love
Perish your love

מילים לשיר יוסי סהרון

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