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ראשי » אמיר נויבך » Swastika On Your T Shirt

מילים לשיר Swastika On Your T Shirt

Somebody's gonna get hurt
Swastika on your T-shirt
That shit ya wear ya think is so cool
Ya ain't no cream of no gene pool

Wouldn't ya like to be perfect
You're just a-looking for some respect
Ya say ya wanna join a new school
Ya ain't no cream of no gene pool baby

I said there ain't no way
They'll let you in the KKK

Somebody's gonna get hurt
Swastika on your T-shirt
That shit ya wear ya think it's so cool
Ya ain't no cream of no gene pool baby

Ya ain't white enough and that's the truth
They'd fuckin' kill ya in the Hitler's Youth

Ya wouldn't last another day
They'll fuckin' kill you in the KKK
They'll rape your mama in the KKK

The hate-mongers gonna get their fix
They'll fuckin' nail ya to the crucifix

They wouldn't let ya in the KKK
They'll fuckin' kill ya in the KKK
They'll rape your sister in the KKK

Swastika on your T-shirt

מילים לשיר אמיר נויבך

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