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מילים לשיר Two Pigs

I try to understand
Try to figure out
Try to realize

My heart felt second hand
And neglected
Like a compromise

I needed you so badly
That I hated you
I needed you
I wanted to reach you gladly
Got exhausted
Trying to please you

I needed you so badly
That I hated you
I needed you
I wanted to reach you gladly
Got exhausted
From protecting you

This hole was too big
Hungry like two pigs

I try to understand
Try to figure out
Try to realize
My heart felt second hand
And neglected
Like a compromise

I needed you so badly
That I hated you
I needed you
I wanted to reach you gladly
Got exhausted
Trying to please you

I needed you so badly
That I hated you
I needed you
I wanted to reach you gladly
Got exhausted
From protecting you

This hole was too big
Hungry like two pigs

I try to understand
Try to figure out
Try to realize
Loads of packages
Few past passengers
Got themselves free rides

Hungry like two pigs

I try to understand
Try to figure out
Try to realize

מילים לשיר מרינה מקסימיליאן בלומין

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