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ראשי » מיה יוהנה » Born to Become

מילים לשיר Born to Become

Catch it put it in a jar
To have and to hold
To save for later
You cannot trust it to come again
To wait for you to find a pen
And fill the paper with the message
That it wants to send
Grab it hold it by its tail
Before it escapes
You know its ways
And you cannot lose it
Thats what you fear
So hold it up against your ear
And very carefully listen
To what it wants you to hear
Find it sleeping in its nest
Before it wakes up
Touch it gently
You want it feeling completely calm
So you can hold it in your palm
And help it grow
Just like it was born to become
! Come, come, come

מילים לשיר מיה יוהנה

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