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ראשי » עוזי בסון » The Mistakes

מילים לשיר The Mistakes

What else have I got left?
But to give you advice I can't follow myself
Alone in the bar at the end of the night
Where did I go wrong and who knows what's right

Unopened boxes they quietly lie
Their better off this way and so am I
I’m not a seeker merely look where there's light
I covet what I see the cannibal was right

And all that's happened on the way to getting older
Life's happy surprises got me looking round my shoulder
But right now I'm silent and my mind’s giving in
To the pills, to the weed, to the pain, to the gin

My eyelids are heavy and my breath is slow
And a dream calls me from down below
Think my heart's going to blow, think my pain's about to fade
Think the night will forgive the mistakes that I've made

מילים לשיר עוזי בסון

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