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ראשי » יניב פלג » How Long

מילים לשיר How Long

Now I'm thinking ‘bout all the things
All the time
Slowly slipping away
Through the cracks in the grime

I've been talking so loud
That I couldn't hear
Through the engine of time
Let it all disappear
Time to cut myself away and burn bright

How long can you love?
How long can you hide?
How long, how long, how long?

How many times will the mirror be struck
Counting the following years of bad luck
7…6… 7…6
As I stare at the seams
Of a heaven that's torn
Wondering how will it ever be fixed

Now I'm thinking ‘bout all the things
All the time
Slowly slipping away
Through the cracks in the grime
I'm afraid to fall behind, and burn bright

How long can you love?
How long can you hide?
How long, how long, how long?

And how long can you stay?
Stuck in a moment that takes you away?
How long, how long, how long?

מילים לשיר יניב פלג

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