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ראשי » יונתן לוי » Mr. Hide

מילים לשיר Mr. Hide

The sun rises in the morning
It's a brand new day with brand new revelations
The sweet birds are doing the boogie
It's a new day with new motivations
And so.. once again I set my sights
higher than the clouds
refilled rebuilt with brand new air
pumping through my weels

"Did you miss me?" he asks
"Do you wann'a kiss me?"
Smack smack smack
whack whack whack
Truth is far more wide
through the eyes of mr. Hide

He is fast a sleep now
But make no mistake
For by sundown he will be awake
Making my soul tremble my body ake
and my heart shake
He knocks and he knocks
till he breaks all the locks
Then he suddenly pops straight out of a box
That horrifying clown
who keeps pulling me down

"Did you miss me?" he asks
"Do you wann'a kiss me?"
Smack smack smack
whack whack whack
Truth is far more wide
through the eyes of mr. Hide

מילים לשיר יונתן לוי

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