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Home >> KRODA >> ??? ????? (??????? I)
Album: Legend / ?????? ???????? (KRODA / OPRICH) (2005)

??? ????? (??????? I)

By our steppes, turks and tartars
On horses like black clouds ride,
And ground breathing burning smell ?
Lasso of fires all around,
And hordeman whirls his lasso rope:
He found there living prey ?
Girl barefoot runs to the wood.
Right now he?ll captivate her,
Shall bind her with raw sour leather
And sell in Kaffa on slavemarket.
Mercilessly he?ll spend on drinking
All the girl?s tears, life worthlessly.
For can he value girl?s beauty,
Shine of her bright eyes, silken plait ?
All that he?ll sell for one ducat,
Cause he?s mantrader, hordeman, cutthroat.
Girl runs away in grim despair,
The plait is covering her shoulders,
And tears fall in riverford,
Your trace is stained with your blood.
Yet, like a hissting serpent, lasso
Is whistling over your youth summer?
And suddenly, the cut out rope
Powerlessly fell onto ground.
Wandering Cossack in the valley
Cut it away and yet he shows
For girl the pathway straight to forest.
- ?I?ll see you once again!? ?
Predator eye of hordeman glimpsed,
He bowed on pommel, yelled and rushed
In gallop with hordemen to hollow?
Hej, Cossack, run away! ? but Cossack?
?not going to escape. Once more he looked
At girl, and by the valley
He rushed to intercept invaders.
The day of May in blazing circle
Alarmed with bells of all it?s thunders,
And lightning opened wide
Celestial gates all around?
Yet enemies approaching closer!
The vile grin tearing their mouths ?
Seems like disaster ride the earth,
Avide, be wildered and mad.
In drops of mind, in drops of blood.
The Cossack shot from his pistol ?
And scream was spreaded over field:
Mantrader?s corpse hanged on stirrup,
His mad horse ran forcing it?s way

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