Album: other songsI Don't Smokeo gosh danger
its b o d with mc vapour flava
bringin the vapour for the two raver x3
(i dont smoke the reefa)
its vapour lyrical professor
power lungs like air compreser
womaniser girl caressor
giving you more but nevr the lesser
vapour giving you more and batters da door
all rymes glore not any one better then me befor
power lungs and a super draw
raw like a dinosaur on the dance floor in the house choors house of whores world of wars and aof course santa claus vapour rebel without a cause this ones coming thourh shut you door 1 0 6 . 4
im a chewing a fruit am a dressed in yellow im mc vapour the real nice feller in CHINA the pay me in yen wanting me again and again im famous for my lyrical trend on the news at ten