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Huis >> Heideroosjes songteksten >> Fistfull of ideals

Fistfull of ideals songteksten

You're a pig, I'm a pig, everybody is a pig
Lying, cheating, sucking every fuckin' rich man's dick
You're God, I'm God, everybody acts like God
God is black, God is gay, God is just a lazy sod
Why don't we just lay down our guitars and rise?
Why don't we just suck out the earth 'till it dies?
Why don't we just lay down our guns and kiss?
Why do we accept this mess in the way it is?

I got a fistful of ideals in a world full of shit
fistful of ideals in a world full of shit
fistful of ideals in a world full of shit

You're a junk, I'm a junk, don't tell me you're a punk
Getting high, feeling low, my daddy is a useless drunk
You're a whore, she's a whore, everybody is here to score
Gimme, gimme, all you have, no, just give me more
Why don't we just lay down our guitars and rise?
Why don't we just suck out the earth 'till it dies?
Why don't we just lay down our guns and kiss?
Why do we accept this mess in the way it is?

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Heideroosjes songteksten    Fistfull of ideals songteksten