Father & son songteksten
"Hey son, go to school today!"
"Yes dad, I'm gonna do that!"
"Hey son, say your morning prayer!"
"Yes dad, I'm gonna do that!"
but when my daddy went to work I nosed
in naughty novels did what every boy
would do ("No dad, I've never done that...")
"Hey son, help your mama out!"
"Yes dad, I'm gonna do that!"
"Hey son, let your pa be proud!"
"Yes dad, I'm gonna do that!"
But when my daddy was asleep I climbed
out of the window disco-dancing all night
long ("No dad, I've never done that...")
I was a creepy young guy,
creepy? creepy!
( "No dad, I've never been that!")
"Hey let's go to church my son!"
"Yes dad, I'm gonna do that!"
"Put your sunday trousers on!"
"Yes dad, I'm gonna do that!"
but when my daddy was prayin', I slipped
into the church-yard tried to lay my
little cousin ("No dad, I've never done that...")
"Son, don't mess around
with those men from town!"
"No dad, I won't do that!"
"And don't let love-games
bring you down!"
"No dad, I won't do that!"
now daddy died and here I am suffering
yes, in prison wish that I had meant
those words: "No dad, I won't do that!"