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Huis >> Jim Reeves songteksten >> Don't ask me why

Don't ask me why songteksten

Don't ask me why I stand aside and watch her break every rule
Why I close my eyes to her schemes and lies and play the part of a fool
Don't ask me why I love her still after all she's done to me
After deceiving me and leaving me with a heart full of misery
You might as well ask me why I breathe or why I live at all
I only know I must be there to answer if she calls
Don't ask me why I hang around why I keep standing by
But if you want to know I'll say I love her so though I don't know the reason why

You might as well ask me why I breathe or why I live at all
I only know I must be there to answer if she calls
Don't ask me why I hang around why I keep standing by
But if you want to know I'll say I love her so though I don't know the reason why

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Jim Reeves songteksten    Don't ask me why songteksten