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Huis >> Jim Reeves songteksten >> If you were mine

If you were mine songteksten

Count the raindrops in a rainstorm count the leaves upon a tree
Count the stars up in the heavens count the fish down in the sea
Put them all together and here's what you would find
They'd be equal to the kisses you would get if you were mine
If you were mine mine mine if you were only mine
I would love you more than you've ever been loved before
Count the times the sun has risen since the day the world began
Find a beach beside the ocean count the little grains of sand
Had them both together and here's what you would find
They'd be equal to the love you would find if you were only mine

Take a child's love for its mother it's a love that never ends
Take a brothers love for brother or the love of mans best friend
Put them all together and here's what you would find
They'd be equal to the love I'd have for you if you were only mine
If you were mine mine mine...

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Jim Reeves songteksten    If you were mine songteksten