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Home >> THE KILLS >> Fuck The People
Album: Keep On Your Mean Side (2003)

Fuck The People

You want a warning
You got a warning
You want a warning
You got a warning

Bet you something I can get your mouth shut
Bet you something I can get your mouth shut

You want a warning
Ya' got a warning
Stab your back

You want a warning
You got a warning
Stab your back

You want a warning
You got a warning
Stab your back

Bet you something I can get your mouth shut
Bet you something I can get your mouth shut

You want a warning
You got a warning
Stab your back

Hey, fuck the people
Hey, fuck the people

Last moon a cigarette
Hang myself on a chandelier
Laughin' at another on a funny thing

Bet you something I can get your mouth shut
Bet you something I can get your mouth shut

You want a warning
You got a warning
Stab your back

Hey, fuck the people
Hey, fuck the people

Bet you something I can get your mouth shut
Bet you something I can get your mouth shut

You want a warning
You got a warning
Stab your back

Last moon a cigarette
Hang myself on a chandelier
Laughing at another on a funny thing

Bet you something I can get your mouth shut
Bet you something I can get your mouth shut

You want a warning
You got a warning
Stab your back

Hey, fuck the people
Hey, fuck the people
Fuck the people
Fuck the people

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